Our team of experts has compiled the most common questions users have about Tsubacheck, and we have answered them clearly and concisely. Here you will find all the information you need in one place, without having to search multiple sources. Plus, our site is constantly updated to include the latest questions.
How do I register?
What is the difference between the Lite version and the Premium version?
Can I switch from the Lite version to the Premium version?
Yes, if you are a Lite user, just contact us and a personal advisor will contact you to inform and guide you through the registration process.
What happens to my Lite records when I upgrade to Premium?
Can I switch from the Premium version to the Lite version?
How do I activate my account?
What are the 12 word seeds?
Can I change my device?
What happens if I lose the 12 seed words?
They cannot be recovered. The loss of the 12 words will prevent you from recovering your account if you change device. The data related to that account will be unrecoverable as you need the 12 seed words to decrypt it.
The registration or check-in, verifies and certifies the user’s location, through geolocation technologies, biometrics, proof of life and data persistence in Blockchain.
Tsubachek uses several layers of security to ensure that user location information is 100% legitimate. This is done by collecting data on the location of the device and the location of the user’s environment to verify that the location is correct. This is key to the operation of Tsubacheck Honor and the safety of users. Any attempt to cheat the system is recorded and may create inconvenience for the user.
To certify the registration of the user’s location, a proof-of-life biometric verification is performed. This biometric proof of life verification makes it possible to certify that the user who is the owner of the user licence is the one who is actually registering his location. This proof of life verification prevents possible fraud in the location registration.
Data persistence in blockchain consists of storing all the information related to the registration or check-in in a blockchain network. All information stored in blockchain is stored in a persistent and immutable way. This means that it is always available, since the blockchain network is distributed and is always active, and also by the very definition of blockchain technology, what is stored in the blockchain network cannot be modified or deleted.
The Lite version only records location without verification or biometric certification and the information is not stored persistently on the Blockchain. In the Lite version, the information is collected, stored locally on the device but not verified or certified, so that information does not go through the verification and certification process Tsubacheck.
The photo accompanying the record is documentary evidence that can be provided to add strength to the record. This photo can be a selfie, a ticket, the newspaper, a photo of the surroundings or something that helps provide proof of the location to be recorded. We recommend that you make it as explicit as possible to prove your location.
A customised report is a document that collects the records made between two dates indicated by the user. The maximum number of days between the two dates is 90 days.
All reports are available in PDF and CSV format.
In the Reports section of the application. Reports are created and available for download for a short period of time. If this period is exceeded, the report has to be generated again. All report requests are always available and you can request the download as many times as necessary.
- Pre-Check-in: Location verification and proof of life (3 credits)
- GeoCheck: Data persistence in blockchain (2 credits)
- Quarterly report (free of charge)
- Customised report (100 credits)
When purchasing a user licence, a package with a number of credits can be purchased. The package selected may vary depending on the user’s needs.
Yes, additional credits can be purchased by purchasing a supplementary package at any time. Please consult your advisor.